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Visiting Etiquette (Knocking on the Door, Entering, and Sitting)

Forms of local wisdom:

- Knock the door 
– Say “excuse me” before entering and sitting down


Visiting etiquette (knocking on doors, entering, and sitting)

  • When visiting other people's homes, one needs to pay attention to a few things. 
  • First, one is allowed to knock on the door 3 times. If after 3 times there is no response from inside the house, one should not repeat knocking on the door, let alone banging on the door to be heard by the host.
  • Secondly, one can enter the house if the host opens the door and invites entry. 
  • Thirdly, one can sit on a chair if the host invites one to sit. One is not allowed to enter the house and sit on a chair if the owner of the house does not let one in. If one enters or sits without being invited, one can be considered rude.


Chairilsyah, D. (2016). Mengajarkan Tata Cara bertamu kepada Anak Usia Dini (untuk Guru dan Orang Tua). EDUCHILD, 5(2), 153–163.

Wibowo, H. J., Adrianto, A., Sumarno, Munawaroh, S., & Nurwanti, Y. H. (2002). Tata Krama Suku Madura. Badan Pengembangan Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata.

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