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Using Mas and Mbak

Forms of local wisdom:

– Calling Mas to young men known or unknown
– Calling Mbak to young women known or unknown


Using Mas and Mbak

  • Greeting words are often used to address or call someone. Greeting words such as "Mas, Mbak, Pak, Bu, Kak" followed by someone's name function to respect others. 
  • One can call a known or unknown young man using the word "Mas". 
  • "Mbak" is used to call young women who are known or unknown. 
  • A person is not allowed to call another person's name directly without a greeting word, unless they have a close friendship or are younger.
  • If one cannot estimate the age of the addressee, older or younger, one can use a greeting word to call or address.


Dukut, E. M. (2020). Peran generasi Muda dalam Merevitalisasi Sopan Santun Jawa melalui e-Book. In Kebudayaan, Ideologi, Revitalisasi, dan Digitalisasi Seni Pertunjukkan Jawa dalam Gawai (pp. 220–241).

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