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Say Hello To Others

Forms of local wisdom:

– Nod your head
– Smile when greeting others
– Saying “mari” or “monggo


Say hello to others

  • Greeting others who pass in front of us is a form of hospitality.
  • When greeting others, one usually calls someone with a word of greeting, then asks how they are doing such as "How are you?" or "How are you?".Gimana kabarnya?” atau “apa kabar?”. 
  • Greeting someone is also often done without mentioning the person's name and saying "Monggo" or "Excuse me".Monggo” atau “Permisi”.
  • When greeting others one usually nods their head with a smile. Then, one can greet with a word of greeting and ask how are you. 
  • - Greeting others is a form of East Javanese small talk.


Atmawati, D. (2020). Peristiwa Tutur Kata Mangga Dan Matur Nuwun Dalam Masyarakat Jawa: Kajian Sosiolinguistik: Speech Event Of Mangga And Matur Nuwun Words In Javanese Community: Sociolinguistic Study. Kibas Cenderawasih: Jurnal Ilmiah Kebahasaan dan Kesastraan, 17(2), 141-146.

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