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Eating Silently

Forms of local wisdom:

– Eat with your hands
– Eat with a spoon
– Pray before eating
Take enough food
Eat silently


Eating silently

  • Eating while talking or making sounds (tasting) is considered rude. 
  • The sound that comes from the movement of the mouth when chewing is considered rude and distracting. 
  • The sound produced by the scraping or clashing of cutlery is also considered noisy and disrespectful. 
  • When eating, one usually speaks moderately at the beginning before the meal begins or at the end after the meal is finished. 
  • To avoid the sound produced when chewing, one can put the food into the deeper part of the mouth and chew with the molars while closing the mouth.


Apriliani, E. I., & Dewi, N. K. (2019). Tata Krama Budaya Jawa Membentuk Sikap Santun Anak Usia Dini. In Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood (Vol. 1, Issue 1).

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