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Meeting With New People

Forms of local wisdom:

- Shake hands
– How to greet
– Nod your head


Meeting with new people

  • When meeting and getting to know new people, people usually show gestures such as smiling, extending their right hand to shake hands, and then saying their name. gesture seperti tersenyum, mengulurkan tangan kanan untuk bersalaman, lalu menyebutkan nama. 
  • When shaking hands, only the right hand is used.
  • When shaking hands, a smile is usually given to the other person and followed by a slow nod of the head once as a sign of friendliness.
  • Sometimes people shake their hand when shaking hands.


Hidayatullah, R. (2019). Cross Cultural Communication “Different Meaning of Gesture in Several Countries”.

Dukut, E. M. (2020). Peran generasi Muda dalam Merevitalisasi Sopan Santun Jawa melalui e-Book. In Kebudayaan, Ideologi, Revitalisasi, dan Digitalisasi Seni Pertunjukkan Jawa dalam Gawai (pp. 220–241).

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