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Take off sandals or footwear when entering the room

Forms of local wisdom:

– Enter the mosque or house
– Taking off shoes

– Put shoes on a shelf or other available place


Take off your sandals or flip flop when entering the room

  • There is an unwritten rule about removing shoes or slippers when entering someone else's house, specifically when visiting. 
  • One is required to remove footwear including slippers before entering the house because there is an assumption that the footwear can carry dirt and dirty the floor of the house. 
  • So, removing shoes or slippers before entering the house is a form of keeping other people's homes clean. 
  • However, one is allowed to wear socks when entering someone else's house. 
  • Shoes or slippers can be placed in front of the door or a place provided by the host. However, one can still wear shoes or slippers when entering a home if the homeowner allows it.


Dukut, E. M. (2020). Peran generasi Muda dalam Merevitalisasi Sopan Santun Jawa melalui e-Book. In Kebudayaan, Ideologi, Revitalisasi, dan Digitalisasi Seni Pertunjukkan Jawa dalam Gawai (pp. 220–241).

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