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Take A Cold Shower Using A Dipper

Forms of local wisdom:

– Shower in the morning and evening with cold water
Take a shower with a dipper
– Bath with water from a bucket or bathtub


Take a cold shower using a dipper

  • There is a custom of taking a cold shower with a dipper. Usually, cold showers are used to refresh the body from the hot and humid Indonesian weather. 
  • Meanwhile, instead of using a shower, Javanese people are more accustomed to using a dipper when bathing, especially when pouring water on the body. 
  • Javanese people believe that the larger amount of water splashed on the body from the dipper can clean the body more optimally than the smaller amount of water from the shower.


Hilman, I., & Hendriawan, N. (2017). Kearifan Lokal Masyarakat Adat Kampung Dukuh sebagai Cagar Budaya di Desa Ciroyom Kecamatan Cikelet Kabupaten Garut Provinsi Jawa Barat.

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