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How to Sit According to the Situation

Forms of local wisdom:

– Sit with your thighs closed
– Sit with your body straight
Sit with your feet still, don't shake your legs


Polite Sitting

  • People have different ways of sitting depending on the situation. 
  • When sitting on a chair, one is not allowed to raise both legs or one leg onto the chair. Raising one's legs above the table is also strictly forbidden. 
  • When sitting on a chair, one is also not allowed to wiggle one's legs to the point of making the surrounding area vibrate or make noise. 
  • One is not allowed to open one's legs when sitting on a chair as it is considered rude. 
  • When sitting on the floor, one is allowed to sit cross-legged if wearing pants or cross-legged if wearing a skirt or dress. 
  • When sitting on the floor, one is not allowed to spread one's legs, especially to the point of blocking the access of others passing by.


Wibowo, H. J., Adrianto, A., Sumarno, Munawaroh, S., & Nurwanti, Y. H. (2002). Tata Krama Suku Madura. Badan Pengembangan Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata.

Dukut, E. M. (2020). Peran generasi Muda dalam Merevitalisasi Sopan Santun Jawa melalui e-Book. In Kebudayaan, Ideologi, Revitalisasi, dan Digitalisasi Seni Pertunjukkan Jawa dalam Gawai (pp. 220–241).

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