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Right Hand To Point People or Directions

Forms of local wisdom:

– Pointing at people with the right hand and right thumb
– Shows direction with open right hand
– Nod your head for a moment


Right thumb to point at people or directions

  • The right hand is considered a good, strong and polite hand to use for any activity, including pointing. 
  • Instead of using the index finger, the thumb of the right hand is considered more polite when used to point at an older or respected person. 
  • The right thumb is also often used to point in a direction.
  • Sometimes, the thumb of the right hand points to a certain person or direction while bowing slightly.


Abdulqodir, A., Sriwarno, A. B., & Isdianto, B. (2014). Kemampuan Adaptasi Orang Kidal terhadap Lingkungan Non Kidal dalam Aktivitas Menulis dan Menggambar (Studi Kasus: Mahasiswa/i FSRD-ITB). ITB Journal of Visual Art and Design, 6(1), 43–57.

Wouk, F. (2006b). The Language of Apologizing In Lombok, Indonesia. Journal of Pragmatics, 38(9), 1457–1486.

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